David Whyte quote

Special Focus Offerings

Our Special Focus offerings employ a variety of innovative and distinctive soulcraft practices for evoking the encounter with soul. These offerings are of special interest to a great variety of people, including those called to the awakening of planetary imagination, the craft of writing as a path to soul, the practices of council and mirroring, and the exploration of other initiatory realms.

Special Focus offerings include:

  • Art and Soul
  • Courting the Muse-Beloved
  • Following the Moonpath: Women Dreamed by Earth
  • Prayers in the Dark: Tending our Visionary Fires
  • Romancing the World
  • Spider Silk in Moonlight
  • Writing the Wild Soul

Coming Home to an Animate World: A Way of Ceremony and Conversation – August, 2024

August 18 - 22, 2024
Gros Ventre Campground, Wyoming

With Geneen Marie Haugen, Ph.D. and Bill Plotkin

This five-day experiential immersion is an invitation to discover who we become when we approach the world as if everything is alive, intelligent, and filled with imagination and purpose.

An Animas Queer Ceremonial Fast – September, 2024 – NEW LOWERED PRICE

September 25 - October 5, 2024
Wild Geese Collective, Wabanaki Territory, Swanville, Maine

With Jules Howatt and Sara McFarland

This contemporary enactment of the pancultural vision fast is a dynamic wilderness rite for those seeking greater depth and clarity about life purpose and meaning.

Sweet Darkness – October, 2024

October 14 - 19, 2024
Aravaipa Canyon Ranch, Tucson, Arizona

With Gene Dilworth, M.A. and Palika Rewilding

Sweet Darkness is one of our most challenging programs, a truly intense intensive, a 6-day experiential immersion into nature-based Shadow work.

The Way of Council and the Art of Mirroring – November 2024, Australia

November 6 - 10, 2024
Venus Bay, South Eastern Victoria Coast, Australia

With Laura Gunion and Brian Stafford, MD, MPH

In the mirror of another, our eyes are opened to aspects of both our gifts and our challenges that we might not see otherwise.

Soulcentric Dreamwork Intensive – November, 2024

November 13 - 17, 2024
Aravaipa Canyon Ranch, Tucson, Arizona

With Mary Marsden and Palika Rewilding

In Soulcentric Dreamwork you’ll learn what it’s like to enter dreams as mysteries, to boldly and vulnerably interact with its denizens and dreamscapes.

Deep Imagination, Soulcraft, and the Reanimation of the World – November 2024, New Zealand

November 20 - 24, 2024
Centre for The Great Turning, The Motueka Valley

With Bill Plotkin, Brian Stafford, MD, MPH and Laura Gunion

We’ll deepen what we discover in the imaginal world by grounding it in the body through somatic exercises and movement, and expressing it creatively through various art forms in order to fully take in and honor the gifts we receive.