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Training Offerings

Our training offerings are for cultural change agents seeking the most advanced and comprehensive study in Soulcraft™. Our 3-to-6 year Soulcraft Apprenticeship and Initiation Process (SAIP), is a graduate level training program in the skills and practices of nature-based underworld guiding. You do not have to be enrolled in SAIP in order to take individual training-level courses; however, a program application is required.

Some years we offer training programs for human development facilitators, featuring the use of the Soulcentric Developmental Wheel and the Nature-Based Map of the Human Psyche. For more information on our training offerings, download the SAIP Brochure or contact our office at (970) 259-0585.

Training offerings include:

  • Council Training
  • Deep Imagination Training
  • Mirroring Training
  • SAIP Residential
  • Soulcentric Dreamwork Training
  • Shadow Training
  • Animas Quest Apprenticeship Program
  • Wild Mind Training
  • Wild Mind Residential
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