— developed by Sabina Wyss, Bill Plotkin, and Donna Medeiros

Here you’ll find activities that help you more fully experience your current soulcentric stage — by supporting you to take your next steps with the developmental tasks of your stage and also to address the tasks of the stages preceding yours. Progress with our current stage is achieved by working on the tasks of that stage. But the way we more fully inhabit our current stage is by addressing the least completed tasks of earlier stages.

If you are in stage 4 (the Cocoon), you’ll find that working on the tasks of all four of stages 1 – 4 will help you uncover deeper layers of your calling, destiny, or soul work. It’s best to think of this process of soul discovery and initiation — whether assisted by the activities on this website, by other practices or programs, or by a combination — as not a weekend undertaking, but a joyous and challenging undertaking of several years. The first three chapters of Nature and the Human Soul provide a more complete introduction to what is involved here.

(PLEASE NOTE, DISCLAIMER: These activities are intended for educational purposes only. No expressed or implied guarantee as to the effects of the use of the recommendations can be given nor liability taken. The guidance of a mentor or coach is advised. Although not at all intended by these activities, some people might experience painful or challenging emotions. If you have any doubt about your ability to fully feel and benefit from those emotions, it is best to stop the exercise at that point and seek out emotions-embracing psychotherapy from a competent professional.)

How to use these experiential activities:

Start with the introductory activities, and then go on to the stage you feel needs most of your attention — either your current stage or any previous stage. We recommend that you do not attempt the experiential activities of stages beyond the one you’re currently in. There is a link to a printable view at the end of each stage activities.